More on “Morethodoxy”

In a post earlier this week, I took issue with an author on the “Morethodoxy” website, Open Orthodox Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky. R’ Kanefsky has been promoting the view that the blessing שלא עשני אשה , despite its basis in the Talmud and its unanimous...


Cross-Currents has agreed to edit the post that gratuitously linked me to Open Orthodox ideology and practices. Many thanks to the authors of Cross-Currents for making what I believe to be the right decision in this matter.

When “More” Is Less

Recently, a blog post published by Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky concluded that we should no longer recite the blessing שלא עשני אשה  and that, in fact, to do so constitutes a חילול השם. The author adduces several questionable sources to support his proposal and which can...